You are called by our Heavenly Father so that His good works will be done in and through your life. Each day your life matters you should never feel like you’re a failure even if, you cannot see any outwards manifestation. For the Spirit moves upon men and women who submit to him. It’s not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God.
This same Spirit of God does not distinguish between young and old, nationality, place of birth, languages, health or sick. It’s all the power of God which moves upon you to move you forward into a good place. Life is Spirit in operation through Christ Believers or non believers.
Do not be dismayed God’s did not leave nor forsake His chosen vessels. He knows everyone who belongs to Him and each one is set apart for a purpose. Let God’s Spirit have it’s way in you do not try to understand with your mind let His peace triumph over judgement.
God is alive WITHIN – you are His OUTWARD ACTION taker.
Life Principles
1. True activity is always from within outward. False activity tries to begin to work from without inward. One is centrifugal and the other centripetal, if you want to be technical. (Centripetal is outward magnitude of acceleration. Centrifugal is action away from the center. Centrifugal forces overpower centripetal ones).
If, you are working from within out, your work is alive and will be productive. If you are working from outside inward, you work is dead and it will have bad effects on you.
2. Work of art are accomplished through inspirations. It is completed on the inside before it becomes visible on the outside. Art has many forms but the proper way to bring it out is to see beauty somewhere in life or landscape or a smile wherever it pleases you. Be thrilled by beauty and go to the canvas or computer and express your inspirations. True art is life and action which helps people find truth to develop self.
3. Every part of life begins within then outwards. Our soul nurtures life and give birth. We pray and meditate by worshiping God, living in his presence is joyful and happy. Happiness is an act from within outwards. Your spiritual growth will be fruitful when you understand. You will have peace strife will disappear and progress will be made.
4. The greatest enemy of prayer is tension. When you are tense you are always working from outside inward. Tension in prayer is probably the greatest cause of failure. Our mind stops working when you are tense. When you think, “I must demonstrate this of I must get that in 3 days, you are tense and are using your will power. You are doing harm instead of good. The soul open inwards.
5. The door of the soul opens inwards. Know how this principle works will save you years of anxiousness. The harder you try to push against a door outwards the tighter it shuts. When you press or force yourself against it you only close it on yourself. When you relax and draw back you give it a chance to open. Public buildings by law doors open outward. In case of emergency people can push the door outwards to exist. If it would be open inwards they would shut them self within.
The door of the soul open inwards. This is the law. Relax mentally away from problem spiritually and God will open the door to set you free.
Jude 24, 25.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling. And to present you faultless before the presence of His Glory with exceeding joy. To God our Savior. Who alone is wise. Be glory and majesty. Dominion and power. Both now and forever.