January 1 Today is a new beginning.
The past is gone. Today is a new beginning it’s mine. Today’s new material and resources are unlimited. When my thought patterns are for life, I access and make my desires. Today is filled with manifestations of health, prosperity and things.
January 2 is the best day I have ever lived.
I have more truth today than I have ever had. I am more aware of my creative thoughts than I was last year. With new understanding I am in a better person. Happy experiences are not coincidental, they are the results of my mental attitude. Only my relationship with God brings inner happiness. I use my creative thoughts to construct ways to happiness. I declare it’s the best year of my life.
January 3 I create my experiences either good or bad.
It’s not easy to recognize lessons inside your personal experiences. For example, you might say, ” I have never desired unhappy experiences. In fact I have always hoped for happiness.” However, when we hope for something our mental picture is “I probably will not get it.” This mental picture is your real belief and it’s according to your belief, not your hope. You are the creator of your experiences good or bad! Creation operates on laws and principles, what’s inside your mind comes to the surface.
January 4 I am guided in ways of wisdom.
Your thoughts are seeds let us avoid thoughts that result in confusion, weariness and hopelessness. Talk back to your auto suggestion of confusion. Jesus talked back to a negative thought when he said “Get behind me Satan.” “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and will sup with him and he with Me.” Say to your mind, “I am guided in the ways of Wisdom.” ” My paths is wide and smooth.
January 5 I am the Master of my Mind.
Your mind is creating all the time, either for abundance or lack. My thoughts master my life. God’s Spirit in you masters evil and brings good. God directs my life. His Word makes my mind dwell in peaceful places. God calls those things which are not as though they were.
January 6 God is the Source of my Supply.
We have learnt from experience that which is in our mind manifest into reality. God is unseen, yet all desires are in the unseen. All your material needs are in the unseen. It’s a universal law a principle God established from the beginning to get things to you. Through thoughts the equivalent I see and receive thing necessary for life. Jesus said, “Greater things shall you do.”
January 7 All my affairs shall prosper.
Culture has schooled us to believe that our desires are things for which we must struggle. God is constantly knocking on the door of our heart. Let him in – open your heart, soften your heart to his desire for you. All my affairs shall prosper. If you think and talk “hard times,” you shall have hard times. Think talk and act prosperous. Act as I am and I will be.
January 8 My life is God.
It is Christ who lives in me and I in Him.
January 9 My Body was created perfect.
My body is an instruments of the Eternal God. I have Jesus DNA. His Blood flows in each cell of my body. Therefore as He is so am I. Eternal life and eternal health they are one with me. God is no respecter of persons. I was created perfect therefore I AM.
January 10 I live in the Kingdom.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto me. The Kingdom of God is within me.” I shall never find God by looking outside myself. The Life of man and the Life of God are one. It is Christ who does the work in me. I am in the Kingdom .
January 11 I grow daily in Understanding Truth.
Practice everyday the little you know about God’s Truth. He will reveal more unto you. We shall all arrive but our progress depends upon ourselves. If, we belittle ourselves, or condemn our efforts, we scoff our progress, and our growth of truth. Let’s practice what we know today, and more will be revealed to us.
January 12 The Law of the Lord is perfect.
God’s laws and principles never fails. He is no respecter of persons. The electricity turns on and off regardless of who flips on the switch. God always responds to faith.
January 13 What I AM speaks for me.
I am Spirit being God’s Words are Spirit and life in and through. I am created for His good pleasure, to be what He called me to be. We all admire wisdom, love, beauty and peace, that’s who we are. Recognize the facts you have the Holy Spirit you do not need confusion, let the Spirit speak.
January 14 I am thinking FOR health.
We are thinking either for or against our own health. Both health and sickness are results and not causes. They are not entities as a man is an entity. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. As we recognize our at-one-ment with life. We shall be thinking for health.
January 15 I forgive easily.
You injure yourself if you hold grievances. The Law is what the mind dwells upon will take form in your experiences. To be free from grievances is to understand the Law of forgiveness. Jesus taught this truth, love one another. Pray for those who despitefully use you and great shall be your reward. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before a shearers is dumb. He opened not His mouth.
January 16 My every need is met.
Laws and principles responds to your thoughts. You apply them by setting your mind on what is required, which sets laws in motion to meet your needs. “The things whatsoever you desire when you pray believe you received them and you shall receive them. Our mind is capable of receiving and expressing unlimited potential with or without effort.
January 17 God is individualized in me.
There is one Spirit and one God. It’s seen in creation, man is the manifestation of the living God. A man makes a garden — the garden is the expression of that man’s idea. He paints a picture, the picture is an expression of man’s idea. But if, wo-man has a child that child is an expression of God creativeness.
January 18 My mind is a mirror.
When you look at discordant conditions the mirror of your mind casts this reflection into the creative soul and sows discordant conditions. When you look with spiritual eyes upon the things of the spirit, life, love, beauty and joy. The mind reflects these into your personality and your affairs.
What you impress upon your mind matters. There are earthly images, but you shall look upon heavenly images. “Think on things which are of good report.”
January 19 I see perfection in myself and in others.
You find what you are looking for. If you think imperfection you find it. If you think perfection you find perfection. If you condemn yourself and others you create more of that which you condemn and thus perpetuate a vicious circle. It can be a normal to desire to create perfection. You are made in the image and likeness of Christ Perfection. But, you can never bring perfection into your affairs by condemnations. Jesus said “Be you perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
January 20 God’s love is peace.
Though you have all things and not peace you have nothing. Peace is knowing that life is life and cannot die. Peace is knowing that the power of God is available on life’s journey. Peace is knowing what you hope for comes by applying faith in God and not in yourself. In this blessed trinity your faith which passeth all understanding brings peace. “To him that hath, it shall be given and to him that hath not it shall be taken away”.
January 21 I inherit qualities of the spirit.
I inherit only the qualities of the spirit which are good. If, you prime your mind to dwell upon grandmother’s cancer, or father’s tuberculosis. You are using the creative power of thought in a negative way. You are creating negative conditions in your mind. Of course, you do not wish for those results! The real you is the perfection of God. So allow yourself to think perfection not imperfection. Use your creative power of thought in a constructive way.
January 22 I break thought-shackles.
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” The truth never binds, but erroneous thoughts does. Truth is demonstrated in freedom. Does the thought of poverty bind you? You can break it for it is the thought of poverty that binds you and not poverty itself. Does the thought of sickness bind you? Yes, the thought may, but that is your own thought and you can refuse to think it. I am breaking thought-shackles. “I AM free” “I AM wealthy” “I AM strong”.
January 23 My atmosphere is that of love.
I am surrounded by God’s Love. My love is a magnet attracting to me lovely friends, lovely situations, and wonderful experiences. I see God’s love in others and they see God’s love in me. Because I am conscious of myself in God’s love. I am creating for myself a lovable personality. My atmosphere is that of love. The Kingdom of God is within me. “Who has touched me? For I perceive virtue has gone out of me”
January 24 The power of Christ within me.
The Christ in me is real, I have Christ resurrection power in me. I make alive in me that which I desire. To do this, I must feel myself living in the desired state of mind which is happiness and joy. “I AM the Resurrection and the Life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” I crucified my old ways of thinking and through the cross I have a new reality. I AM that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.
January 25 My eyes are the instruments of perfect vision.
Vision is an attribute of God, it’s therefore perfect and eternal. As you see clearly there’s expansion of vision. The eye is perfect. The physical eye is in a constant state of flow and changes. The eyes are not old, but thoughts are old or imperfect. My eyes are the instruments of perfect vision. When you buy a new clothes or new shoes, you thinks everyone knows they are new. You feel conscious or unnatural with the new clothes. That’s how you will feel with a new vision. Only you know what’s happening on the inside of you. When the vision becomes becomes a part of you you feel competent to talk about it. You begin to develop the fruit or the nature of the thing you are feeling yourself to be.
January 26 My thoughts are creative.
You are not a victim of fate or displeasure. But, you are condemned to live in the house you build for yourself. Through the creative power of your thoughts you can benefit or be dammed. Stop trying to change the world change you. Leave the world alone and change your self conceptions.
Each day you can build experiences of freedom or imprisonment, satisfaction or frustration in our consciousness. “According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another builds thereon. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon.”
January 27 The power of choice.
Know exactly what you want create a strong clear picture of your desires. Assist your imagination with vivid pictures, memories and feeling. Definite your ideas, ideals and purposes to the very end. The more advanced a person is in understanding of truth the wiser their choices. Plant a seed and it will grow if not uprooted by doubts.
January 28 Power is still.
“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord” The power was not in the whirlwind, nor the earthquake, nor the fire, but in the still, small voice. We too often think of power as a loud noise. When a pipe explodes it is because it is weak. People of power proclaim that power by doing something with it, not by talking loudly about it.
January 29 I attract the Good.
Like attracts like. If you would like to attract good you must in the will of God. Knowing ourselves to be at-one with God’s love, power and substance. We shall find that we attract to us people and conditions that we call good. Above all Know thy self.
January 30 It’s done unto me according to my belief.
I rejoice that this is so, because it makes me the master of my fate. Let us look upon every condition in our lives, and face it squarely saying “it’s done unto me according to my belief.” Only then shall we be ready to consciously use our creative power constructively. Our beliefs should be defined according to God’s truth not outside experiences.
January 31 The world is better because of me.
We need not go as missionaries to far-lands in order to make the world better. Life is a unit. Subjectively we are all one, and every time any one of us recognizes himself as of God the world is that much better, and world-peace that much nearer. Let’s be clean vessels for our master usage.