Without reasonable self confidence in your own abilities you cannot be successful nor happy. You are failing from reaching your potential because you lack confidence in your abilities. I know from experience confidence comes from successful achievements. And when there is failures you believe you are incapable.
But that’s not the truth. The truth is you have been set up to fail in our world economic system. Yes. We live in a world that has trained you to fail. Every aspect of your life is to fail. Failing reduces your ability to have a positive mental attitude.
It’s appalling to believe your employer and government wants you to fail. The world system is designed to keep you down and poor. You’re probably wondering why me I did nothing wrong?
The only reason the system does not want winners – world leaders get to keep more money in their pocket not yours. The economic system does not want independent thinkers, nor ambitious business entrepreneurs. The system does not care about people it wants labourers. The system only requirement is for manual labour. Labourers are paid to work 8 hours per day for a fixed wage, but you can become more than that. Working for a fixed salary will keep you poor and miserable. You have got to believe in your self and be confident in the promises of God’s goodness.
The System is Rigged for Failure
If you are one of those who are ambitious in life and wish to live better then you have got to succeed and stop blaming your self for mistakes. You do not need blame yourself for your failures the world system is rigged. There is no such thing as failure only lessons or opportunities to learn. However, you do need to understand how to combat problems. The rigged system leads to inferiority complex or mental dis eases. The rigged system together with years of failures causes extreme mental suffering.
Mental Anguish Paralyzes Action
You can re train your mind develop creative ways set goals for a life vision. I became regimented on fixing my mind towards my goals life vision after seeing the light. You can do the same by changing your mind from negative thoughts to a positive mental attitude.
You cannot be a winner in a rigged world. From the start parents tells children not to do or try thing in fear of falling or failing. Our entire life is full of NO not to do this or that. The amount of yes you received might full a journal page. To overcome negativity requires renewing your mental attitude. You have been taught to live and think negatively.
Your life memories are stored on your computer hard drive. You have got to delete your hard drive files so you can have useful information for today’s life. Since you cannot remove your hard drive or mind from your head. You must set up positive affirmations to over come negative thinking.
This process cannot be done in a few months, but in a few months you will begin to catch yourself when negative thoughts comes into your mind. The process will change you and your mind will attract positive information. Stay in faith regardless, and believe in your goals, you are destined to live a great life.
Here’s an affirmation you can begin with.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Christ is the great power and all things, all thoughts, all challenges all diseases are under His control. Repeat this one statement several times per day and your mind will shift. This is called renewing your mind to accept good.
The greatest secret for eliminating inferiority complex, self doubts, discouragements is to fill your mind with God’s thought. Read the New Testament in the Bible. God is speaking to you, meditate on these thoughts, then act on it, do something. The Word of God dis solves the world system from your mind. The word of God helps you to understand your purpose on earth. It is not you who does the work, it is God you gives life in our present state.
If, God is for you who can be against you.(Romans 3:1)