Romans 12:1
“… I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice the kind he will find acceptable. This truly is the way to worship him”.
Everything you desire is one step outside your comfort zone. Staying inside your comfort zone will not take you to your destiny or the Next level. Reaching your destiny can only be accomplished by inner growth. In God there is no standing still or reverse you must keep moving.
Anytime God is ready to advance you to the next level. You will get uncomfortable with your life. You will feel uncertain about the next move. But do not worry, God has prepared you while you worshiped Him in the secret place. He has already taught, equipped and tempered you for the position.
God is about transformation and getting you to your destiny. God’s Holy Spirit stretches your ability beyond natural thinking.
New Level Is a New Horizon
You can only make room for new things after you have been stretched. Imagine a rubber band, when stretched, it expands in size.
God gives you one step at a time. You take one step and God follows through. Moses had to step into the Red Sea before the water parted. The Israelite had to trust Moses to lead them across the Sea.
So, you have to trust God during times of transition even though you have not seen the miracle, yet. You will soon enter your promise land. A place God has called you to.
When the Israelites entered the promise land, they still had to fight. You will always need to challenge yourself. However, in God you have the victory, so do not murmur under your breath.
God has set in motion laws for growth
Isa. 54:2. Enlarge your house, build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense.
Do you have a dream you want come true? Do you want to live life in a certain way? Are you afraid to move?
Nothing happens until you make the first move. You need to be thinking about the next level. Start small and grow big.
Start on small projects. Work at it until you have mastered it. Then reach for the next project expanding your reach. Pretty soon your potential expands and the uncomfortable uneasiness leaves. The secret of growth is to keep learning.
A New Horizon
James 1:5-6, If, you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. V6. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.
- Study the Word of God. God will give you understanding to make the impossible possible. His Word will change the imagine on the inside. Isa. 40:31. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on the wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary, walk and not faint.
- Self confidence will push you to the fore front of learning. Expand your knowledge base. Aquire skills to make the next level move easier. Attend conferences, workshops, seminars to educate and expand your thinking. Be on a mission stay updated on the latest research.
- Do all you can and the opportunity will come. There comes a time when you need to fly high and far to reach your destination. Obey God and He will raise you up to the forefront.
- Try something new. If, you stay in one place to long it will become your worst. You have to leave small thinking to get big. God will cause you to get uncomfortable in your small space. Is there an uneasiness on the inside? God is stirring you it’s time to move on. God said, we should have dominion over all things.
You cannot expand your territory nor pursue bigger dreams if, you think, live and act small. Fly eagle fly.
God promises are beyond comprehension.