In a noisy world it takes time to get quiet and know who’s voice you should listen too. There’s informations coming from every angle. It’s so easy to become over burden with information.
Yet to overcome we need to indulge our heart and spirit into God’s presence. We need to tune into the Spirit of God for directions.
God is Spirit and He speaks to us through His Holy spirit. Our relationship with God determines our ability to hear from Him. – Grow in faith with the blessing box
The closer we are to God the easier it is to hear him speak. We need to draw closer to God to hear His voice. God does not shout from a distance, He speaks softly inside our being. When you are in a relationship with someone the more time you spend together the better you get to know them. You learn their character traits. How they think; how they behave; what they like or dislikes. It is the same with God, he slowly reveals himself when we draw close to Him.
The secret to hearing God speak is to spend quiet times with him.
Enter His presence with praise and worship. It is not necessary to utter words, remain silent in His presence and allow Him to show up. God wants a heart to heart conversation.
God is not compelled to speak to us immediately. He can and will speak to us anytime and anywhere. Do not put pressure on yourself to hear from God, He will do it in His own time. God’s timing is determined by the amount of time you give him each day. The closer the relationship the easier it is to hear from God. God is not far.
Our heart tends to condemns us. It makes you feel uncertain, insecure and doubt God’s love. If you are born of Christ you have a renewed spirit and you are washed by the Blood of Jesus. The spirit of God is love. God placed His love inside of you, only receive it.
Reading the bible renews and transforms the old into new from uncertainty to certainty. You have the mind of Christ the greater one dwells in you.
God is after you because he wants a relationship
Through reading, listening and mediating on the word of God. God’s word quickens your spirit. Like a bright light going off inside of you. You will suddenly see and hear with great clarity things you have never seen before. Answers to problems pop up in your thoughts. That is God giving revelations to guide you in all your ways. God speaks through the word which quicken your spirit.
God righteousness determines your footsteps. Give Him your life to fulfill His purpose on the earth.
If you need direction and clarity in your life
In today’s society there are many voices calling. If you allow God to hone your life, there will be greater peace of mind, focus, stability, joy, vision and overall prosperity.
By spending time with God and allowing him to realign your life something new will form within you. Allow Him to remove obstructions, distractions and doubts from your life.
Learn to be still or wait for his presence and let His peace absorb you. Being still is to put aside the busyness of daily activities. Sit in a quiet place and let God speak to you. You may or may not feel anything, but you were still in His presence. When God realign you He will reveal to you the priorities necessary for each day.
I have found coming into God’s presence before I start the day and before bed is the best time. At the start of the day God spirit sets my heart and mind in the right direction for victorious living. I am prepared for anything that comes my way because I have applied the Blood of Jesus over my life, business, possession, family.
At the end of the day I can enter into His presence for peace of mind. I ask Him to remove negativity from my thoughts. In others words I want to be spiritually clean from all the works of the day. Clear my mind so I can have a peaceful sleep. I praise Him for His presence with me.
Now the biggest take away is when you go to God do not take your agenda. God will reveal to you things. Just worship and give thanks for at least 30 minutes or more. As the relationship grows in days to come and your drawing closer to God. Make your request known to Him and He will answer.
Stay in faith and the answer will come. Either through His spirit, His word or through any means He choose to speak to you. Creation knows the voice of the creator.