We can change our conversation, but how many of us will change our thoughts?
We live in a good world with bad people wanting chaos and good people wanting peace and harmony. Each person live in their own world and their thoughts determines the outcome of life.
What kind of decisions and thoughts does it take to live in disharmony or harmony with yourself?
Good Question! Most of the time our mind operates on auto pilot making decisions for us.
Our mind is a powerful mental force a factory of things thoughts, feelings and emotions. We have a warehouse of stuff and most are probably not our own things. The mind houses information from birth to the present. It can be reliable or unreliable depending on thoughts that are boxed in.The mind is always at war with the present and the future. Your mind associates with pictures, words and feelings.
Your mind is not your own any longer, and all powers on earth wants control of your mind.
Whose Voices & Thoughts are Feeding Your Mind?
The media and advertisers pay lots of money to control your mind and influence our thinking. The entertainment industry creates thrillers to appeal to our creative thoughts. Scientist research non existing things into existence.
Your Mind Affects Your Health.
Researchers discovered stress and anxiety alter our mind’s abilities and therefore controls our body’s health. Our mind is a power house – Use it to serve you, not harm you. What you deliberately invite into your mind controls your actions.
Are you inviting your ideal future into your mind, or are you allowing circumstances to control your actions?
The battle for the mind is a battle for concentration and focus. The battle for your mind is not new to us. It has always been there and God has given us the solution. Rom.12:1-2, ” be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
There is hope. The right messages will give you the right output. You have the responsibility to change your thinking by changing your thoughts. When you consume the word of God, your conscious and subconscious mind is renewed.
Good Thoughts Influence Right Actions.
So, where do we go from here?
Get your mind in the right place by creating your desired future and make a Vision Board to show your mind where it is going. Meditate day and night on that which is good, noble and honorable. We all need a God kind of faith to move mountains from our lives. Only a mind renewed can create a bountiful harvest in the future.
If you are not happy with the present, change your mind.
Human being are the only ones who can reprogram their mind. Constructive thinking compels us to work and strive, while other people waste their time in pleasure. It arouses our enthusiasm, after which every task becomes comparatively easy.
Practice this exercise before going to bed.
Whisper, ‘I am wealthy, prosperous and have plenty. I serve a God of more than enough.’ Mentally see the right images and feel good about your new fate. When you awake in the morning plan to experience good things. When faith thoughts take root in your subconscious mind, poverty comes to an ends.
Prayer is another valuable way to make known your desires while communicating in the Heavenly realm to God.
The inner cause of successful achievement is in the mind. Instead of allowing it to wander anywhere it pleases, we have to train it to think constructively.
Experience the power of your mind create a vision board for a desired future.